Academic credits

Social sciences

  • Title of Docent, Communication and media studies, Tampere University (05/2021)
  • Master of Social Science, University of Helsinki (09/2009-05/2011)
  • Bachelor of Social Science, University of Helsinki (09/2006-11/2010)

I studied political science (major) and my minors were statistics and computer science. My emphasis has been on both quantitative and qualitative research methods, and new forms of political participation and political systems.

Computer sciencee

  • Title of Docent, Computer Science, University of Helsinki (06/2024)
  • Doctor of Science, University of Helsinki (10/2014-01/2018)
  • Bachelor of Science, University of Helsinki (09/2010-09/2014)

I studied computer science and minored statistics and mathematics. I’ve emphasized software development and human-computer interactions in my studies.

Work experience

Research and academia

My research has explored widely human factors in computing and the role of computing in the society. I study computational social science; develop novel methods and and critically explore current practices. Methodologically, I work in mixed methods mindset: I apply quantitative, qualitative and computational methods. Often there also is some constructive elements.

  • University lecturer, University of Helsinki (03/2019- )
  • Visiting researcher, Aalto University (03/2019- )
  • Researcher, Aalto University (06/2011-03/2019)
  • Computational Social Science instructor, University of Helsinki (10/2014-01/2019)
  • Visiting Student Researcher, University of California Berkeley (08/2013-05/2014)
  • Researcher, Nokia Corporation (01/2007-02/2011)

Software industry

I have extensive knowledge on creating interactive system and service prototypes using various technologies, such as Ruby on Rails, Javascript and Python. These tasks included both backend and frontend development.

  • External consultant, Futurice (12/2018-)
  • Lead developer, Lentävä Liitutaulu Oy (06/2013-06/2014)
  • Trainee, Nokia Corporation (09/2004-06/2006)
  • Summer trainee, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (06/2009-08/2009)
  • Summer trainee, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (07/2010-09/2010)

Scientific and other activities

  • Roles in scientific organizations
    • Co-founder, Computational Social Science minor (University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Science)
    • Co-founder and chair (2017-2018), Rajapinta ry; the Finnish association for social research on technology and computational research on social science
  • Reviewer:
    • Human-computer interaction: CHI, CSCW, DIS, Interact
    • Social science: Nordic Political Science Review, Socio
  • Associate chair / editor
    • CHI (Late breaking work, 2017, 2018; Papers 2019, 2020)
    • DIS (Provocations and Works-in-Progress, 2019)
    • CSCW (Papers, 2019)
    • Group (Papers, 2019)


See Publications

Constructive work with interactive systems

  • Programming meets music (2015) was a tool allowed students to write code which played music and collaborate among classes developed during EU Hackathon 2015. Collaborators: Nyyti Kinnunen, Henna Silvennoinen and Noora Vainio
  • Sensor and social add-ons to block based languages (2012) was a tool develop to make programming in Scratch-like environments more fancly. Developed during Child creativity Track of EU Hackathon 2012, 1st place. Collaborators: Nyyti Kinnunen and Noora Vainio
  • Kunnanluoja (2012) A game developed in HS Hackathon and published in, the national newspaper in Finland.
  • Code modules (2015)- Software platform which contextualized programming education to other subjects. Recognition award, Finnish e-learning community. Collaborators: Arto Vihavainen
  • The Interdisciplinary Contents in Modeling (2005). Honorable Mention. Collaboratiors Olli Salli and Olli Saarikivi

Open source contributions